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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Holocaust Encyclopedia
“Euthanasia Program and Aktion T4.”
“Major Nazi Camps in Europe, January 1944.”
“Map: European Rail System, 1939.”
“Map: German Administration of Europe, 1942.”
“Map: Killing Centers in Occupied Poland, 1942.”
“Map: Major Deportations to Killing Centers, 1942-1944.”
“Map: Major Ghettos in Occupied Europe.”
“Polish Victims.”
Yad Vashem: Educational Resources
Additional Links
EducatiBundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. “Anlage zu § 1 Verzeichnis der Konzentrationslager und ihrer Außenkommandos gemäß” (1967). Available online:
Facing History and Ourselves. “Main Nazi Camps and Killing Sites.” Resource Library.
Museum of the Former German Kulmhof Death Camp in Chelmno on Ner. “Kulmhof 1941-1945.”
State Museum at Majdanek. “General Information.”